Ticket from KL Sentral to Genting

Take a Lrt train from Pasar Seni to KL Sentral station.
Buy a bus & skyway ticket at ground floor of KL Sentral.
One way costs = RM$9.30 for Bus + Skyway (cable car)
Total jJourney = about 1 hour (if no traffic jam).
Better to buy a ticket for 2 ways as to avoid sold-out & delays.
A taxi will charge you RM$65 to $80 to go up Genting which will tak about 1 hour.
Bus Schedule to Genting

Hourly bus trip to Genting
Depart from KL Sentral station : 8am to 7pm
TIPs: If the bus tickets for an earlier time are sold out, after buying the ticket you can still try to board the bus provided there are empty seats or no-shows and the bus driver allows you to board his bus.
You bought 1130am bus ticket but the time now is 0955am, you can approach the bus driver and check with him if you can board his 10am bus now. If he check the bus and allows you to board, then you can go to his bus immediately instead of waiting for the 1130am bus.
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